Many of you have been giving or considering giving crystals as gifts to the people you love – and with everything that’s been going on in the world, we completely understand why. Though all gifting urges us to think about our connection with the other person and then consider options that will give them joy, there is something extra special about selecting a crystal for someone since it inherently holds much more meaning than meets the eye.
So how do you choose the right crystal for someone else? Instead of purchasing the first crystal you are personally drawn to, much like how you would select one for yourself, picking a crystal for a relative or friend calls for a little more mindfulness.
A crystal is a meaningful, sacred and empowering gift because it reflects an understanding of your loved one’s innermost needs and deepest desires. Before visiting a crystal shop or browsing an online catalogue, take the time to contemplate on what’s going on in your loved one’s life. Consider how they can improve their energy, spirit and world.
A crystal is a meaningful, sacred and empowering gift because it reflects an understanding of your loved one’s innermost needs and deepest desires.
Ask yourself, “What personal obstacles are they going through at the moment?” “What do they need to be happier, feel better, and lead more fulfilling lives?”
Will they be switching careers or starting a business soon? Consider giving Pyrite or Rutilated Quartz , crystals that are known to attract opportunities and create an abundance mindset.
Do they frequently feel under the weather and experience low energy? Look for stones that promote physical strength, balance and vitality like Tiger Eye and Jade.
Are they feeling lonely or going through heartbreak? The nurturing energy of Rhodochrosite or Rose Quartz may help them during this period. These gemstones open up and heal the heart, increase self-love, compassion, and inner peace.
Have they been working long hours and need something to help them relax from the stress of everyday life? You can take a look at getting them a soothing and uplifting gemstone like Amethyst or Aquamarine. It’s the perfect gift for new mothers, people in high-stress occupations, or someone going through a life transition.
Then, since there are many different ways to gift crystals, you must also keep your recipient’s lifestyle in mind. Are they the type of person who enjoys wearing jewelry? If yes, definitely consider getting them a crystal bracelet, ring or pendant. On the contrary, if they don’t regularly wear jewelry, you may give them home crystal decor pcs or tumbles they can display in their home or office, or a set of tumbled crystals they can keep in their pocket or purse.
Although the process of choosing a crystal for someone else requires more active involvement than, say, picking a shirt or a bottle of wine, it feels more profound knowing that so much care and thought went into selecting the gift for the person you love.